Saturday, July 13, 2013

I love you too, Russia

After all that heaviness, I feel the need to write something light and fluffy.  And you know what the first thing that pops into my head is?

It's this question: why are more than half of my views coming from Russia?  Are there a lot of people with OCD there?  Or psychologists?  Freud was Austrian, and German does kind of sound like Russian.  If you didn't know anything about either, I guess.  I know, I know, kind of a stretch.

The curiosity is killing me, though.  I don't know anybody in Russia (not that I've told anyone I know about the blog), and I don't know anything about Russia.  It's time to go on a field trip, class!  All aboard the magic school bus!

Russia, it's super cool.  You should check it out.
According to these guys, Russia is the biggest country in the world, but population wise, it's only the ninth largest.  Wait, really?  What about Canada?

They also say that Russian is one of the five most spoken languages in the world.  Guess that's on my to do list now (right after Mandarin.  That's the #1 most spoken language. 谁知道?).

This one says that Russia is located across nine time zones.  NINE.  The United States has four.  (Okay, we have six, if you include Alaska and Hawaii, but I don't, since you go there specifically to get away from everyone else, and that includes their time zones)  That's one big country.  At least it's not like China, where they're all in the same time zone.  Granted, it's only half as long as Russia, but it means that they should be having at least, four, maybe five.  That means that when a guy on one end is having breakfast, a guy on the other end is having lunch.  Granted, if either one of them are college students, that could mean anything.

Oh!  And then there's the rich people!  They said that Moscow has 74 billionaires: more than any other city in the world.  Dude.  I need to move there.  Learning Russian is starting to become more of a priority now.

The world's first satellite was launched from there in 1957.  Fun fact: I once named my avocado seed after it.  I called him Nick, for short.  And then Sputnik II, and Sputnik III...  They were all duds, evidently.  But I loved them anyway.

Also, one of my favorite musicals takes place in Russia.  It's all in Russian, though.  Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember...

According to wikitravel, Russia has two Christmases and an International Women's day.  Actually, I'm not sure 100% about the two Christmases, thing.  But they get more than a week off at New Years.

Another fun fact: I tried writing a short story about a waitress in New York with OCD.  It kind of flopped, but my favorite character was a Russian immigrant that called the waitress tsvetok, which means "flower."

Oh, my goodness.  There are more than 600 universities in Russia.  I'm going to cry.  Heaven is so far away.

Hmm, in current world news, Snowden has not yet received asylum from Russia.  Apparently he's just staying at the airport, like in that Tom Hanks movie.  Maybe that's why Russia has been reading my blog.  They're staying away from airports.

HA!  Russia granted suffrage to women two years before the US.  Good on you, Russia.  Granted, in Russia there are currently 10 million more women than men, but I'm sure that's unrelated.

Well, here's a neat fact: the TV was invented by a Russian immigrant, Vladimir Zvorykin.  It's all your fault, Vladimir.  If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have Jersey Shore.  Then again, we wouldn't have Supernatural, either.  I didn't mean it, Sam and Dean!  Never, ever leave us!

Even though people tend to portray Russians as gruff and harsh, apparently they are very hospitable.  They always feed their guests, and it's completely acceptable to show up at your friend's and family's houses unannounced, where you would (I'm assuming) demand tea and cookies.  But in Russian, of course.

So, thank you, Russia, for making me feel so loved.  You are clearly very awesome, and have very good taste.

And to other countries: you should be as cool as Russia.  Maybe I'd write about you guys, if you read my blog.


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