Tuesday, August 20, 2013

And now, a word from our sponsors...

I've noticed that ever since I started using advertisements on my blog, I've been getting a lot less views.  Coincidence?  Probably not.  I know ads annoy the heck out of me, and on the rare occasion that I don't utterly ignore any ads I see, I only briefly note what the ad is for, and then continue on my merry way.  For one thing, I'm a little paranoid (that's kind of an understatement) and I don't trust that wherever the ad is sending me won't be virus-infested website, or at the very least some kind of a scam.  For another, I hate being sold stuff.  Seriously.  Spending money, for me, is almost physically painful, even when it's for something that's necessary for my survival (you should see me at restaurants).  So, having someone come and try to convince me to believe that I need something when I really, really don't (I promise you, I don't need combo toaster-coffee maker-Ginsu chopping knife.  I really don't), and that in order to acquire this frivolous thing or service, that I must give them my money, automatically makes them not my friend.

And here I am, "trying" to sell you stuff.  I'm not surprised that that would reduce what little "popularity" I have.  It would be super nice to make money off of this: if that happened, I would feel less guilty about spending so much time writing.  On a good day, I can sit at my computer, and write for hours and hours.  That day at the library, writing seven or eight hours, was pure joy.  I would have stayed longer, if I hadn't had a gnawing pain in my stomach for an hour or two--and my parents were asking where I was.  Tangent.  Anyway.

If I could make money off of writing, that would be the most ideal.  Not a bazillion dollars, like Rowling, or something like that.  I don't even have to make enough money to live off of (although I would absolutely love that).  Just enough to help keep me going, while I work elsewhere.  I'm a woman of many talents.  My previous special interests, of math, hair, computers, and languages have all been monetarily profitable in the past, and of course my affinity for reading, writing, and learning new things (and long walks on the beach), make me versatile where others aren't.  I can do a good job in many fields.  But whenever I get a job, I put all of my attention into that, until I can't do anything else (let me refer you to my experience working in a restaurant.  I worked 40+ hours a week, for seven months, and asked for time off twice.  I was terrified to stop.  It was incredibly difficult to quit, and for that reason, I will not go back, even though I was well paid).  So, what I want to do, is work part-time at something-or-other, and write for my "real" job.

With all of these ridiculous ads plastered all over my page, I've been thinking.  I've seen other bloggers put donation buttons on their pages, and while I figure it's not very likely for somebody donating to some random blogger's page, it's also unlikely that someone click on ads, too.  Plus, I won't have to feel guilty about "selling" stuff.  Unfortunately, it says on the website that the donate button is "only for fundraisers", like saving dogs and stuff.  Although I am a mammal, and you would be saving me from menial labor, I'm not sure how the government will feel about that.  It says "Users that are not verified nonprofits must demonstrate how their donations will be used, once they raise more than $10,000."  So, if, by some strange happenstance, I earn $10,000 (I know, extremely unlikely, but I'm very good at finding the worst-case scenarios in every situation), then I'll have to tell people exactly how I spent said money.  I could just hold onto it, and not spend it, until I've figured out a responsible way to spend it.  Actually, that might be a great idea.  Except that I have no idea what a responsible way to spend it would be, beyond food and gas.  Is that acceptable?  I don't know...

This warrants more investigation.


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